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DogsLife Deep Cleaning Toothpaste

Regular price £8.00
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We love our dogs, so we know only too well the nasty things they can get their chompers around in a day’s play. If left uncleaned, your dog can start to suffer from plaque and tartar build-up which means more than just pongy breath.

But DogsLife's specially formulated dog toothpaste is designed to treat the bad bacteria lurking in your pup’s portal. Leaving their mouth looking, smelling and feeling healthy.

The all-natural formulation not only battles bacteria and bad breath, but it’s also safe for ingestion. So, until you figure out how to train Fido to rinse and spit, this is the best toothpaste for dogs.

  • Removes Plaque and Tartar
  • Deodorise Bad Breath
  • Vet Approved
  • 100% Safe Ingredients
We ship to the UK only. We offer free shipping on orders over £75.00. You can collect direct from us within 48-hours at The Dogg Shop Minster. Please bring a receipt of your purchase & check opening hours prior to visiting.
DogsLife Deep Cleaning Toothpaste
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